
Simultaneous interpreting

Immediate oral translation of the original speaker’s words into the requested language. The interpreters work in a special sound-proof booth with the speaker in sight. This interpreting technique requires considerable concentration so the interpreters work in teams of two or more.

Consecutive interpreting

The oral translation of what has been said into another language with the interpreter talking after the speaker. Employing a special type of note-taking, the interpreter can render accurately what has been said in the other language. This can be done either after the whole presentation or in several shorter pieces, depending on the length of the speech.

Chuchotage/whispered interpreting

The oral and simultaneous translation in a very low voice. The interpreters work with a tour guide system, which has a microphone for the interpreters and earphones for the listeners. This equipment eliminates the need for the interpreter to stand next to the speaker or the listeners. If there is no equipment available and only one listener requires interpretation, the interpreter needs to be as close to the speaker and the listener as possible, whispering the translation into the listener’s ear.

Liaison interpreting

The interpreters work at smaller events doing consecutive interpreting or chuchotage. They interpret in both language directions, from as well as into the foreign language.

A language
Mother tongue, interpreter interprets from and into this language
B language
Active foreign language, interpreter interprets from an into this language
C language
Passive foreign language, interpreter interprets from this language
The speaker can support the interpreters in many ways - you can find some advice for speakers here (in German).
We always comply with the ethical standards of the relevant professional associations, e.g. the Code of Professional Ethics of the VKD.
The interpreting fee includes the time spent on site as well as the highly intensive preparation time. If applicable, additional costs for travel, per diems, consultancy etc. might occur.
Getting it right - our principles
We commit ourselves to the principles of confidentiality, professional qualification and transparency.
Holistic approach - it's about culture
Interpreters do not only have profound language expertise but also an excellent knowledge of the different cultures and their people.
Oral translation from one language into another
Jokes and puns
Jokes and puns are often amusing, however they do not always work in every language.
Keep taking notes - consecutive
Oral translation after the delivery of a speech using a special note-taking technique
Latest trends
Examples are Remote Interpreting (RI) and Long-Distance Interpreting (LDI), thus interpreting via video conferences.
Mobile booth
The dimensions of a mobile simultaneous interpreting booth are 1.60 x 1.60 x 2.00. Please account for 4m² per booth and 6m² including equipment.
Note taking
Note-taking technique which the interpreter uses during consecutive interpreting, not to be confused with stenography.
In case of large interpreting assignments we will provide one contact person – the consultant interpreter – for the organisation of the entire team of interpreters and the technical equipment.
Preparational material
The more material you can provide at an early point in time, the better can the interpreters prepare. Please send us your agenda, presentations, videos etc. - drafts are also welcome.
Quality has its price.
Right equipment
is only as good as the technician who operates the equipment on site.
Oral translation of the spoken word virtually in real time. The interpreters work in a sound-proof interpreting booth.
Written translation from one language into another
Underway? The tour guide system
A tour guide system consist of a microphone for the interpreters and earphones for the listeners, typically used for factory tours.
Our ears are the most important tool in interpreting. Therefore, we ask you not to knock on or blow into the microphone.
Oral, simultaneous translation for one to two listeners in a very low voice
XL event
You are planning a large event? We will support you with the organization of the entire team of interpreters including the technical interpreting equipment.
The whys and wherefores - you can always drill us with your questions!
Zero time?
Early planning pays off, because: haste makes waste.
Monika Ott

+49 (0)40 - 600 596 72
+49 (0)173 - 67 35 573

Anja Grewe

+49 (0)40 - 386 535 45
+49 (0)160 - 256 58 65

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Konferenzdolmetscher Deutschland

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